Mar 31, 2008

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Mar 23, 2008

Stress Free Living - Part 1

Practical ways to turn stress into success: a set of downloads and PDF workbook.

Mike George, an experienced and entertaining speaker on the subject of stress management, offers important insights into the nature and causes of stress.

He shows us how to turn stress into success with a series of practical suggestions for stress management and prevention in any situation.

Mar 4, 2008

How To Become A Writer

Start Your Lucrative Writing Career Today! You CAN Make Money As A Writer!

Would you like to be your own boss? Would you like to write your own paychecks? Would you enjoy a flexible work schedule and the kind of freedom you'll never find in the "nine to five" workplace?

That's what everyone wants, right? We all long for an opportunity to make good money while maintaining personal autonomy. We want to run the show and to cash the big checks.

That might be what we'd all like to experience, but most of us don't. People struggle every day to make ends meet. People make the soul-crushing morning commute day after day just to punch someone else's clock. The daily grind goes on for years until its time to retire with a gold-plated watch and a long list of regrets. We get stuck. We don't take advantage of opportunities. We waste our skills and spend years doing things we don't enjoy.

There are a few reasons.

First, many of us wrongly believe that there's no credible alternative. They think the traditional workforce is the only way to "make it".

Second, some folks are afraid of branching out on their own because of the oft-reported high risk of failure for new businesses. They don't feel safe as entrepreneurs.

Third, some of us never get around to making a move for a better life. We plan on making changes, but time passes us by as we stay in our regular ruts.

I want to tell you about a way to GET OUT NOW. I know how you can open your own business within a few days and put yourself on the track to some serious earnings with very little risk and next to no cash outlay. The most beautiful thing about this approach is that it's probably already your dream job.

If you're reading this letter, you like the idea of being a professional writer. You have a way with words. You love a clever turn of phrase. You can communicate with the written word and you've always dreamed of making a living with them.

Guess what?...

YOU CAN!!! ...Seriously

How to become a Writer shows you how to go from barely getting with the status quo to becoming a well-paid, self-employed wordsmith. It covers everything you need to know to break the chains of the traditional workforce and to explode into a world of personal satisfaction, freedom and substantial earnings.

How to become a Writer isn't a little throwaway "you can do it" guide. It's the real deal, chock-full of proven wisdom and smart planning. It's a one-of-a-kind guide that will take you through the paces and delivery you at the doorstep of your new professional as a professional writer. Look at some of what How to become a Writer covers:

  • How to become a writer. How do you get from where you are now to being a legitimate writer? You can be a Freelance Writer has the answers.

  • The core of a writing career. You have to have the basics under control. Are you ready to be a paid writer? You will be when you read You can be a Freelance Writer.

  • The markets and how to penetrate them. Ace information on how to break into various writing markets.

  • Professional tips. Great writing is only the beginning. You need to understand how to make a living, too. You can be a Freelance Writer covers the business of writing.

  • How to get started. Knowledge is power. When you combine it with action the results are AMAZING.