Sep 3, 2007

Reframe Your Life

This month we are diving straight into the category of Personal Growth. And there seems to be many great audiobooks out there to help support those who are looking at themselves and trying to revamp a part of their lives.

And so we are starting off the month with a great audio by the Bestselling author, radio host, and a counselor Stephen Arterburn explains how the painful events of your past can greatly affect the shape your future takes and the way you view your life as a whole. This, in turn, can influence how you "frame" your relationships, your self-image, and your outlook on life.

Reframing means finding a new mind-set for examining your past, gaining a fresh perspective on negative events by releasing old resentments, forgiving, and attempting to understand the factors that shaped the lives of those who hurt you.

Arterburn explains the process of reframing by first exploring the barriers commonly encountered. These include:

  • Stubborn resistance

  • Justifiable resentment

  • Blind ignorance

  • Arrogant entitlement

  • Disconnected isolation

  • Superficial connection

Arterburn also explores the antidotes - the tools for breaking through these barriers - to find the peace you seek. Ultimately, when you change old patterns and embrace healthy new ones, you open doors for viewing and living life in a positive and joyful way!

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