Nov 13, 2007

Animals, Inc - A Business Parable for 21st Century

When was the last time you took a course to make yourself more marketable - and found yourself wondering just what in the world you were doing? Or watched "square peg" employees dropped into "round hole" positions only to fail miserably as revenues tumbled? There's a lesson to be learned in Animals, Inc.

With its previous bestsellers - First, Break All the Rules and 'Now, Discover Your Strengths - The Gallup Organization rewrote the book on great management. Now Gallup brings to life the major lessons of the research behind those bestsellers through the use of parable. Animals, Inc. introduces you to a group of unforgettable barnyard animals trying to run a successfull business.

Deciding that education is the key, the members of Animals, Inc., conduct employee surveys, evaluate competencies, and set up training classes. Filled with the excitement and hope that accompany any new project, they work hard to overcome their natural shortcomings. The workhorse tries to operate the computer, the shy sheep makes sales calls, the scarecrow attempts to lay eggs. What results will seem uncannily familiar to the human listener.

Recharge your thinking with invaluable practical insights. Get an edge in the business world you won't discover anywhere else. And discover the keys to effective management, reenergized morale, and super-heightened performance. Just listen to the animals.

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